How Can You Help? Take Action Today!

Call your legislator. Write a letter. Attend a legislative hearing. Host a meeting. You decide how you would like to advocate for the needs and benefits of Connecticut residents with disabilities, and we support your work in every way possible.

The Alliance is excited to announce, in partnership with the Office of the Secretary of the State, the availability of a unique online voter registration link for nonprofits. By using this unique URL, the we will be able to track how many people registered to vote through nonprofit voter engagement events and activities at the conclusion of the election.

Register to voteClick here to Register to Vote!

Click the link below to contact your legislator:

Oak Hill is grateful to all those who came out to Lobby Day. Sharing your concerns makes a difference!

Lobby Day Photo
Oak Hill is grateful to all those who came out to Lobby Day. Sharing your concerns makes a difference!

Supports and services to people with disabilities are not entitlements. They are not assured. Advocacy means keeping informed about what is happening politically, at the local, state and national level and then acting on that knowledge.

Advocacy Videos:

Begin advocating today. Share your contact information to stay informed.