Oak Hill Wraparound day program services
The Wraparound Day Program Services at Oak Hill are designed to build rewarding relationships and support networks among individuals with intellectual disabilities throughout a 24 hour period covering residential and day services.
Oak Hill recognizes that for many individuals there are frustrations around long transportation rides to and from day programs, as well as physical challenges that many day programs cannot accommodate. Therefore, Oak Hill meets the individual at their current location, providing a unique individualized day program option, meeting their specific needs. Furthermore, the consistency of familiar support staff adds an element of care and familiarity so that individuals feel most comfortable with staff of choice.
The Oak Hill Wraparound Day Program Services are community based, culturally relevant, and individualized for each person. The approach provides consistency, opportunities to learn, and volunteer or work in their own community. Wraparound services prove to be cost effective and achieve positive outcomes for many of our Oak Hill individuals.
Oak Hill Wraparound Day Program Services range across a broad scope, meeting the unique needs of each individual and establishing goals in their home and local community. Wraparound programs strengthen outcomes in skills such as daily living skills, vocational, volunteer activities, safety, social, emotional, educational, and cultural needs. This dynamic method encourages continuity for each individual and decreases disruption; essentially improving the level of community involvement.
Oak Hill Wraparound Day Program Services work to endorse permanency while developing and encouraging natural supports, in partnership with the family and the individual’s specialized team.
To Learn More About the Oak Hill Wraparound Day Program Services,
Please Email: communityprogramoffice@oakhillct.orgÂ